Recruit - Retain - Grow
6 hours approximately
6 months
Any time
Jonathan Shipstone & Neil Plimmer
Find out more
There is a huge education market for children and young people in the UK and throughout the developed world. This means that there is the potential for golf coaches to earn good money from coaching children and young people. However, despite some excellent examples of good practice, many golf coaching programmes for children do not result in high participation rates and often have poor retention figures and disappointing returns.
A well-trained, skilled and motivated coach with the right business approach can generate long term, sustainable and meaningful revenues from coaching children and young people. This course demonstrates how this can be done. The first part of the course looks at how a coach assessed his own business and identified ways of improving his income. Then with reference to this case study the course presents guidance of procedures and practices that will be of practical use to any coach wishing to improve his or her business performance.

Module 1 – Case Study
This case study describes the efforts of a coach to turn his business around. There are six parts to the case study. They describe the coach’s facility, his business performance in 2011, a chance event that made him question his business’s performance and the action he took to improve matters.
• A description of the facility where the coach is a tenant
• An account of the coach’s coaching commitments and his income (2011)
• A conversation that made the coach question his business performance – a fortunate encounter with a colleague
• An investigation into the coach’s business and what he found out
• An analysis of the findings and summary of action taken
• A follow-up appraisal of the coach’s business five years later (2016)
Module 2 – Procedures and Practices to Improve Business Performance
This module provides guidance of procedures and practices that will be of practical use to any coach wishing to improve his or her business performance. References are made to the findings of the module 1 case-study.
When asked what he did to transform his business over a five year period from one making just £14,415 a year before fixed costs and tax was taken off, to one with a gross profit of £44,965 a year the coach identified four important factors:
1. The Products
2. Communication
3. Marketing
4. Administration
The factors are described and explained in this module.
Completing the Course
Delegates must complete all units of the course, which include a number of self-marked “stop & think” exercises and a tutor-marked end-of-course assignment, to be awarded the “Promote Golf Module in Recruit - Retain - Grow”.
Certificate Qualification
This course also counts towards the “The Children's Golf Coach” Certificate course.
PGA Members
On completion/participation of this course, PGA Professionals will be provided with valid supporting evidence and information from us so that it can be added as a structured formal learning opportunity on their CPD records.
What graduates say...
£70 +VAT