Turf Pests
A turf pest can be broadly described as a ‘troublesome or destructive creature’ that negatively impacts the condition of a golf course. In reality, they are any living organism that directly or indirectly adversely affects the quality of the playing surface.
This course takes a look at the most prevalent ones in existence in the UK, including:
- Earthworms
- Leatherjackets
- Chafer Grubs
- Nematodes
- Moles
- Canada Geese
- Rabbits
- Badgers
- Foxes
- Grazing animals
- Weeds

– Earthworms
– Leatherjackets
– Chafer Grubs
– Nematodes
– Moles
– Canada Geese
– Rabbits
– Badgers
– Foxes
– Grazing Animals
– Weeds
Completing the Course
Delegates must complete all units of the course and the self-assessed, end-of-course question to be awarded the “Promote Golf Module in Turf Pests".
Certificate Qualification
This course also counts towards the “Golf Course Management - part 2” Certificate course.
PGA Members
On completion/participation of this course, PGA Professionals will be provided with valid supporting evidence and information from us so that it can be added as a structured formal learning opportunity on their CPD records.
Standard Price
£40 +VAT
Preferential Price
£30 +VAT
Preferential prices are available to members of the PGA of GB&I, PGA of Canada, Golf Club Stewards Association and for employees of clubs using Material Matters.