Golf Skills & Techniques
6 hours approximately
6 months
Any time
Jonathan Shipstone & Neil Plimmer
Find out more
This course explores children’s learning of golf skills and techniques. The first module discusses some of the key features of golf and suggests how the nature of the game influences what a coach does in her junior coaching sessions. The aim is to give children learning experiences which are as similar as possible to the way golf is played.
The second module defines what we mean by skills and techniques and explains why in a games-based approach to coaching children, sessions usually begin with skills objectives. It then discusses how a coach can help children learn and understand the techniques needed to play different shots. The module presents the information using the language that we have found children and parents can understand.
Module 3 looks at all the skills and knowledge that golfers need to manage themselves effectively on a golf course. These skills are particularly important for children to learn as soon as possible. A child who knows how to be safe, who can keep up with pace of play and who can manage his or her own equipment is much more likely to enjoy golf more, play better, and play more.

Module 1 – Children & The Game of Golf
In this module we discuss some of the key features of golf and suggest how the nature of the game influences what a coach does in her junior coaching sessions and coaching programmes.
The aim is to give children experiences which are as similar as possible to the way golf is played. The following relevant aspects of golf are considered:
1. Golf is a one ball target game;
2. Every golf course and every hole is different;
3. From a child’s point of view golf courses are enormous;
4. Players need to learn how to play many different types of shot;
5. Players have choices and make decisions for every shot;
6. Although golf is an individual game golfers play in pairs or small groups;
7. The rules of golf are very long and quite complicated.
Module 2 – Coaching Skills & Techniques
When coaching children we have found it useful (conceptually and practically) to divide what is commonly referred to as ‘golf technique’ into three aspects. These are:
1. Skill – a player’s ability to control the ball in constantly changing game conditions – what the ball is doing;
2. Technique – how the clubhead impacts the ball to produce the desired shot – what the clubhead is doing;
3. Mechanics – what the player needs to do with his or her body to create the desired impact conditions – for example grip, aim, stance, posture, and ball position.
This module discusses skills and technique.
Module 3 – Golf Game Sense
In this module we introduce the idea of Golf Game Sense.
For Junior Coaches Golf Game Sense means:
‘all the skills and knowledge that golfers need to manage themselves effectively on a golf course and give them the best opportunity to play well.’
Some of the skills and knowledge included in ‘Golf Game Sense’ might be called common sense or basic skills by adults who are unaware of the learning that is needed to acquire “common sense” and “basic skills”.
Children do not automatically know where to leave a golf bag when putting, how to tee up the golf ball or how to carry a golf bag.
Making sure children learn Golf Game Sense knowledge and skills is often overlooked by parents and coaches who, for example, tee a child’s ball for them and helpfully carry a child’s bag for them or take it from them when they are putting, when they need to learn to do this themselves.
It is particularly important to help children learn these skills. A child who knows how to be safe, who can keep up with pace of play and who can manage her own equipment is much more likely to enjoy playing and will want to play with family or friends outside organised coaching session.
Completing the Course
Delegates must complete all units of the course, which include a number of self-marked “stop & think” exercises and a tutor-marked end-of-course assignment, to be awarded the “Promote Golf Module in Golf Skills & Techniques”.
Certificate Qualification
This course also counts towards the “The Children's Golf Coach” Certificate course.
PGA Members
On completion/participation of this course, PGA Professionals will be provided with valid supporting evidence and information from us so that it can be added as a structured formal learning opportunity on their CPD records.
What graduates say...
£70 +VAT