Children & Parents
4 hours approximately
6 months
Any time
Jonathan Shipstone & Neil Plimmer
Find out more
This course is about our clients – children and parents – and what they want and need from golf coaching sessions.
In section 1 of the course we will be discussing what motivates children to participate in golf and how to foster this motivation. The module first looks at the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the importance of fostering children’s intrinsic motivation in golf sessions. It then examines the often quoted three reasons children give to explain why they engage in sporting activity (fun, friends and learning) and what this means in practical terms for the coach.
Section 2 of the course focuses on parents. Coaching children brings with it a responsibility to interact with parents in a friendly, informative and caring manner for the good of the children and the growth of the coach’s own business. The module gives six key pieces of advice that will help the coach do this and involve parents in their children’s enjoyment and learning.

Section 1 – Children
Extrinsic and instrinsic motivation
Children want to have fun:
– Fun means fostering intrinsic motivation
Children want to improve their skills and learn now ones:
– aim for understanding – not rote learning
– recognise that every child in an individual learner
– give children enough playing time
– give children problems to solve
Children want to make friends and do things together with friends.
Section 2 – Parents
The different ways parents might get involved with their children’s golf.
Advice about how a coach can involve parents in their children’s learning and well-being:
– actively seek to talk with parents
– keep parents informed
– use a variety of means of communication
– organise coaching sessions in a way that will promote parental involvement
– make it clear that parental involvement is welcome
Completing the Course
Delegates must complete all units of the course, which include a number of self-marked “stop & think” exercises and a tutor-marked end-of-course assignment, to be awarded the “Promote Golf Module in Children & Parents”.
Certificate Qualification
This course also counts towards the “The Children's Golf Coach” Certificate course.
PGA Members
On completion/participation of this course, PGA Professionals will be provided with valid supporting evidence and information from us so that it can be added as a structured formal learning opportunity on their CPD records.
What graduates say...
£55 +VAT