The Building Blocks to Highly Effective Email Marketing

With seemingly gazillions of emails being sent every day and spam filter technology making it increasingly difficult to get through, it would be easy to think email marketing has had its day. However, the communication medium still has so much to offer that it should most definitely feature in any well-rounded marketing plan. But there’s…

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Get More Likes on Your Facebook Business Page

Here’s a quick tip on how to get more people to like your Facebook business page for free! When you post content onto your Facebook page, you will (hopefully) notice that people ‘Like’ the post. Sometimes these are people who have seen the post and may not necessarily have ‘Liked’ your Facebook business page in…

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Get Engaged with Visitors on Your Website

Who was it that said “turnover is vanity, profit is sanity but cash is reality”? It’s been a much-used expression for many years and certainly holds true today. You could adapt the saying slightly and apply it to your website too. “Number of visitors is vanity, number of enquiries is sanity, but the number of…

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