Golf Member Retention
Fixing the Leaky Bucket
According to, it costs as much as five times as much to attract a new customer than to keep the one you’ve already got. Yet many businesses still focus almost exclusively on new customer acquisition.
It’s perhaps understandable why the industry has little in the way of established best-practice or guidance on the crucial subject of golf member retention. It wasn’t that many years ago that clubs didn’t need to pay it any attention - member leavers were simply replaced from those on the waiting list. Yet today, the highly competitive marketplace should put golf member retention high on all clubs’ agendas.
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Find Out More
Don’t leave member retention to the weeks leading up to your renewal – work with Promote Golf to integrate it into your golf venue’s annual plan.
Sense of Belonging
We all like to belong – it’s just human nature. Promote Golf work with golf clubs to create strategies to increase this sense of community and belonging. By introducing various initiatives and core focuses that target member engagement, attrition levels can drop significantly.
At-Risk Members
The golf industry can learn so much from the health club industry in the identification of ‘at-risk’ members most likely to leave. Promote Golf have a proven quantitative system of analysing member behaviours so that those displaying characteristics of a potential ‘leaver’ are identified and corrective ‘re-engagement’ strategies can be deployed.
The membership category structure and payment process can influence golf member retention hugely. At Promote Golf, we work with clubs on streamlining their member renewal processes to ensure they’re conducted efficiently. We focus on removing the barriers to renew and ensure golf members can do so with ease.
Watch a recording of our webinar on golf member retention.